Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra Attends The Launch Ceremony Of The 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’!
Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra attends the launch ceremony of the 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ web portal at the National War Memorial Complex in Delhi today. The chief guest of the event was the Honourable Defence Minister, Sh. Rajnath Singh
Sidharth Malhotra, who inspired the world with his remarkable performance as Captain Vikram Batra in the film Shershaah, shared his childhood memories of coming from an army family as well as his recent experience while portraying Captain Vikram Batra's journey on screen. He shared his belief that the Indian Armed Forces are the best in the world and the reason why we enjoy our freedom and democracy.
Sidharth Malhotra spoke about the importance of this initiative launched by the Indian Government and urged every Indian to support the families of our soldiers killed or grievously injured in the line of duty during military operations.