Don't Miss The Epic Adventure Of "Farrey" Hitting Theatres On Nov 24th! Trailer Dropping On 1st Nov!
Team Farrey asked the youth, 'What's the deal with Farrey?' Trust us, their answers are pure gold! 😂
Don't miss the epic adventure of #Farrey, hitting theatres near you on November 24th!
Trailer Dropping on 1st November.
@beingsalmankhan @soumendra_padhi @alizehagnihotri @isahilmehta @zeynshaw @prasanna_bisht @ronitboseroy @juuhithesoniibabbar @yerneninaveen @atulreellife @nikhilnamit @sunirkheterpal @skfilmsofficial @mythriofficial @reellifeproduction @athenaenm @zeemusiccompany
Team Farrey asked the youth, 'What's the deal with Farrey?' Trust us, their answers are pure gold! 😂
Don't miss the epic adventure of #Farrey, hitting theatres near you on November 24th!
Trailer Dropping on 1st November.
@BeingSalmanKhan #SoumendraPadhi #Alizeh @isahilmehta #ZeynShaw @prasanna_bisht @RonitBoseRoy @JuuhiBS #NaveenYerneni @atulreellife @nikhilnamit @SunirKheterpal @SKFilmsOfficial @MythriOfficial @ReelLifeProdn @AthenaEnm @ZeeMusicCompany
Team Farrey asked the youth, 'What's the deal with Farrey?' Trust us, their answers are pure gold! 😂
Don't miss the epic adventure of #Farrey, hitting theatres near you on November 24th!
Trailer Dropping on 1st November.
@BeingSalmanKhan #SoumendraPadhi #Alizeh @isahilmehta #ZeynShaw #PrasannaBisht @RonitBoseRoyOfficial #JuhiBabbarSoni #NaveenYerneni @atulreellife @nikhilnamit #SunirKheterpal @SKFilmsOfficial @MythriMovieMakers @reellifeproductionofficial #AthenaENM @zeemusiccompany