Get ready to witness the story behind India's greatest victory on big screens! The Kabir Khan directed sports biography '83' is all set to hit theatres on 24th December. After a long wait, the most anticipated teaser of Ranveer Singh's ‘83’ is now out. The teaser magnificently gives glimpses of the famous edge-of-the seat 1983 world cup match at Lord’s Stadium, London where Madan Lal bowled to Vivian Richards and Kapil Dev took the catch. This moment cemented India’s position in world cricket, which is still cherished by the country. ‘83’ will tell the glorious tale of the First World Cup win of India. The character of Kapil Dev will be played by Ranveer Singh alongside an ensemble starcast who will portray the characters of the other players. Presented by Reliance Entertainment & Phantom Films, SVF will lead the Eastern Indian Distribution of the film.
Already in millions' watchlist, 83's trailer to be released on 30th Nov, 2021 #ThisIs83
Watch the Teaser here -