Horror genre wins the Box Office game! "Insidious: The Red Door" garners Rs. 4.11 Cr Nett in two days!
The 5th installation of the most famous horror franchise Insidious has been a success across the globe.
Horror fans across India and internationally have supported the film, with huge numbers occupying the theatres.
The second day collection of Insidious: The Red Door is Rs 2.01 Cr Nett/ 2.41 Cr Gross making it the total of Rs. 4.11 Cr Nett/ 4.93 Cr Gross.
Total Collection: Day - NBO/ GBO
Thursday -
Nett: 2.1 Cr
Gross: 2.52 Cr
Friday -
Nett: 2.01 Cr
Gross: 2.41 Cr
Total 2 days -
Nett: 4.11 Cr
Gross: 4.93 Cr
With no competitive release this week, the weekend numbers are expected to be clocking in huge numbers.