Producers Nailesh Gada & Praful Pasad Of Leo Global Music's Most Awaited Garba Song 'Ambe Maa' Was Launched With Grand Style!

Grand Launch of Leo Global Music's most awaited Garba song 'Ambe Maa' was glittered by the presence of actor Abhishek Nigam along with the cast of the song Krish Pathak, Esmeralda Laurent & Alisha Bose.

The song is sung by Amit Mishra and music video directed by Yash Santosh Mohite.

It's lyrics are penned by Saaveri Verma & music given by Shreyas Dharmadhikari.

#AmbeMaa #LeoGlobalMusic #AbhishekNigam #KrishPathak #EsmeraldaLaurent #AlishaBose #AmitMishra #YashSantoshMohite
-Ramesh Rao