Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Shilpa Rao & Nayanthara Basking In The Success Of "Jawan"!Johnny VazSep 10, 20231 min readShah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Shilpa Rao & Nayanthara Basking In The Success Of "Jawan"! Lights, Camera, Celebrations! 💯#ShilpaRao #SRK #DeepikaPadukone #Nayanthara basking in the success of #Jawan #Chaleya NotRamaiyaVastavaiya
Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Shilpa Rao & Nayanthara Basking In The Success Of "Jawan"! Lights, Camera, Celebrations! 💯#ShilpaRao #SRK #DeepikaPadukone #Nayanthara basking in the success of #Jawan #Chaleya NotRamaiyaVastavaiya
रिलीज़ हुआ देसी सुपरस्टार मनोज बाजपेयी की 100वीं फिल्म ‘भैया जी’ का एक्शन से भरपूर ट्रेलर!रिलीज़ हुआ देसी सुपरस्टार मनोज बाजपेयी की 100वीं फिल्म ‘भैया जी’ का एक्शन से भरपूर ट्रेलर! 'सिर्फ एक बंदा काफी है' बनाने वाली टीम बदले की...
Film Review: "Article 370" Rating - 3 /5 Overall: is a classy film, so it will likely appeal to the elite multiplex audience and due to story word of mouth, should be able to do good business!