Superstar Sunny Deol's "Gadar 2" Mints Rs 13.50 Crores, Inches Closer To The Rs 400 Crore Mark!
In a triumphant crescendo, Gadar 2 has shattered boundaries, amassing an unmatched net collection of Rs 13.50 crores on a dynamic second Monday, embraced wholeheartedly by the heartland's unconditional love. No Monday blues for this blockbuster.
This exceptional feat not only sets an unprecedented milestone but also adds to the film's monumental journey, culminating in a staggering total of Rs 388.60 crores net collection. The saga of Gadar 2 continues to redefine cinematic victory, carving new routes of accomplishment with each step it takes.
Helmed by Director-Producer Anil Sharma, and produced by Zee Studios, the movie stars Superstar Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel in lead roles.
The movie is running successfully in theatres near you.