The Simple Pleasures Of Life: Food, Travel And Experiences With Ritika Betala!

Ritika Betala a food and travel blogger from Mumbai started her journey 8 years ago and shares her favorite food & travel recommendations through Foodies of India.

An avid solo traveler, she has traveled to 23+ countries, and post the pandemic, she has started exploring different states and cities across India along with hidden gems in Maharashtra. In 2022, she traveled for 75 days in India exploring different cultures, experiences, and of course the different types of food and cuisines that range from Kashmir to Karnataka.
She has also a full-time job as a brand manager in Media and blogs about her favorite food and travel destinations when she wants to relax or needs a stress buster.
Through Foodies of India, Ritika aims to share with that veg food is easily available across India and the world, since most of us choose our travel destinations basis our food choices.
Follow Ritika’s food & travel journey through her digital profiles on social media as FoodiesofIndia! Her page is going to make you hungry and instill a serious case of wanderlust. www.foodiesofindia.com